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DB2 Programming COBOL Applications with DB2

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COBOL COPY verb - Syntax and Semantics

COBOL CALL external program - Linkage Section, Parameter List



CICS COBOL Samples   CICS COBOL Sample Programs

CICS v3.1 COBOL Programming

    COBOL Programming Restrictions, LE, DL/1 CALL Interface

    COBOL Calling Subprograms from COBOL - LINK, CALL

    ***Flow of Control between programs and subprograms Diagram 

    COBOL2 and COBOL3 Translator options


 CICS C and C++

CICS v3.1 C++ and C Programming

C++ and C Programming Considerations, EXEC CICS, XPLINK

C++ and C Passing Arguments to/from CICS


 IBM C and C++


A Guide for the SAS/C Compiler Consultant, Release 6.50 - Applying zaps, usage notes, etc

C String handling


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z/OS V1R8 Library Center The z/OS V1R8 Library Center contains documentation for z/OS elements, features, and software products.

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z/OS V1R5.0 MVS System Codes - Completion Codes

z/OS V1R5.0 MVS System Codes

z/OS V1R5.0 MVS Diagnosis - Tools and Service Aids - "Inspecting and Modifying a Load Module or Program Object - SPZAP, etc"

ABCs of z/OS System Programming Volume 8 Diagnosis fundaments, IPCS, Dump analysis, Diagnostic procedures!



 ABCs of z/OS System Programming

Introduction to the New Mainframe: Large-Scale Commercial Computing

ABCs of z/OS System Programming Volume 1 Intro to z/OS,

storage, TSO, ISPF, JCL, SDSF, z/OS delivery and installation

ABCs of z/OS System Programming Volume 2 Installation, subsystem SSI, job mgt, LPA, Linklist, Authorized, SMP/E, LE

ABCs of z/OS System Programming Volume 3 DFSMS, SMP/E installation and maintenance

ABCs of System Programming Volume 4 Network, Security, RACF, UNIX USS, Language Environment LE

ABCs of z/OS System Programming Volume 5 Sysplex, GRS, RRS, Systems Operation, ARM, GDPS

ABCs of z/OS System Programming Volume 7 Infoprint, UNIX, IP Printway, Netspool

ABCs of z/OS System Programming Volume 8 Diagnosis fundaments, IPCS, Dump analysis, Diagnostic procedures!

ABCs of z/OS System Programming Volume 9 UNIX, TCP/IP

ABCs of z/OS System Programming Volume 10 System z, LPAR,HCS, DS8000

ABCs of z/OS System Programming Volume 11 Capacity planning, Performance Management, Workload manager WLM, RMF


z/OS V1R5.0 MVS Assembler Services Reference Vol 1 (ABEND-HSPSERV)

z/OS V1R5.0 MVS Assembler Services Reference Vol 2 (IARR2V-XCTLX)

z/OS V1R5.0 MVS Auth Assembler Services Guide

z/OS V1R4.0 MVS Auth Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN

z/OS V1R5.0 MVS Auth Assembler Services Reference ENF-IXG

z/OS V1R5.0 MVS Auth Assembler Services Reference LLA-SDU

z/OS V1R5.0 MVS Auth Assembler Services Reference SET-WTO


OS/390 V2R10.0 MVS Using the Subsystem Interfacd SSI

OS/390 SSI - SAPI JES Spool Interface, SSI Function code 79

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 IBM REDBOOK Reference Links

These REDBOOKS are great and have all the secrets of the gurus!

z/OS Version 1 Release 8 Implementation

z/OS Version 1 Release 7 Implementation

Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics

TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview

*** VSAM Demystified

DB2 UDB for z/OS Version 8: Everything You Wanted to Know ...

 DB2 UDB Universal Database

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DB2 for z/OS, DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 Version 7 books

DB2 UDB V7 SQL Reference


Programming COBOL Applications

DB2 COBOL. C++, C, C#, REXX, Sample programs, SQL, etc

DB2 COBOL Search, COBOL topics, COBOL appl programming